Chinese philosophy Confucius “The Man who says he can, and the man who says he can not.. Are both correct”

“The Man who says he can, and the man who says he cannot, are usually both right.”


This is a well known quote, but I just felt the need to share. 
For me it really emphasises the element of choice we have: that our own personal truth can change, depending on the story we want to tell.

There's a sense of relief that we're creators of our own lives, that it doesn't just happen to us, that we get to decide the story. 

Once we decide, it's done. Fear may come along and try to knock us from time to time, maybe everyday! 
When it does, we can relish in the feeling of what we want as if we have it, as often as we can, until we're spending lots of time with that feeling.
It's different to dreaming. Dreaming implies it may never happen. 

It's a knowing.

A belief is only a thought that we keep on thinking. It gets stronger and stronger until we feel it. Until we know it.

So, there's a comfort in the fact we can change our thoughts at anytime to those that feel better. 
Granted, this may require a bit of practice, especially if there's some momentum going on a 'nego vibe' hymn sheet.
In this case, the reset button is needed. We can sit still and clear the mind. We can become aware of the thoughts that arise as an observer rather than a consumer.

I find a good test is: The better it feels, the more in alignment you are with your true self.
The self that is connected to all things.
The self that is an intrinsic part of this universe. 
Don't you want to take action and listen to inspiration from that place?
I think I do.